
Remote technology

The interiors of the reactor building and reactor primary containment vessel (PCV) are still harsh, high-dose rate environments. In order to proceed with efforts to remove nuclear fuel debris, it is necessary to develop technology to decontaminate reactor buildings, technology to allow direct access within reactors for sampling, and technology for sampling fuel debris. In addition, it is necessary to develop machinery and equipment to use for work in retrieving nuclear fuel debris and in-core structures.

In order to reduce exposure risk for workers performing these kinds of tasks in a severe environment, it is necessary to utilize remotely operated machines, equipment and systems. It is also necessary to handle maintenance, management and parts replacement in order to use them over a long period of time.

In the future, as we develop remote technology to handle each of the technologies, it will be important to reinforce links between industry, government and academia for efficient development.

R&D efforts (Applied development linked to plant applications and actual use)

Device/equipment development/demonstration for the full scale practical system research and measurement

Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of PCV
Development of Investigation Technology of Inside of RPV

Ensuring safety for fuel debris retrieval (3) (Construction of Confinement function)

Development of Repair Technology for Leakage Sections in PCV
Full-scale Test of Repair Technology for Leakage Sections in PCV

Development of method and system for fuel debris retrieval

Upgrading Approach and System for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures
Development of Fundamental Technologies for Retrieval of Fuel Debris and Internal Structures

Development of storage/transfer/safekeeping technology for retrieved fuel debris

Development of Fuel Debris Storage/Transportation/Repository Technologies
Development of remote decontamination equipment

R&D efforts (related basic and generic research)

Inspection technology development (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tohoku University - Basic research into reliability maintenance of PCV and buildings, etc., and waste processing and disposal, and core human resource development program for decommissioning)
Research related to remote technology (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tohoku University - Basic research into reliability maintenance of PCV and buildings, etc., and waste processing and disposal, and core human resource development program for decommissioning)
Research related to remote operations technology (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at University of Tokyo - Comprehensive human resource development for decommissioning based on remote operations technology and nuclide analysis technology) (PDF)
Remote measurement technology (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tokyo Institute of Technology - Advancements in skilled human resource development for and basic research on decommissioning engineering) (PDF)
Repair technology development (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tohoku University - Basic research into reliability maintenance of PCV and buildings, etc., and waste processing and disposal, and core human resource development program for decommissioning)
Robotic and remote operations technology for responding to NPS accidents and decommissioning (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at University of Tokyo - Comprehensive human resource development for decommissioning based on remote operations technology and nuclide analysis technology) (PDF)
Environmental structuring technology for remotely operated robots (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at University of Tokyo - Comprehensive human resource development for decommissioning based on remote operations technology and nuclide analysis technology) (PDF)
Development of remotely operated robots for inspections of high places and narrow spaces (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tohoku University - Comprehensive human resource development for decommissioning based on remote operations technology and nuclide analysis technology) (PDF)
Remote measurement technology for after severe accidents (Decommissioning Basic Research: Human resource development program at Tokyo Institute of Technology - Advancements in skilled human resource development for and basic research on decommissioning engineering) (PDF)
Implementation design of verification test facilities for remote operations machinery and equipment (August 2015) (JAEA)
Development of detective technology of contaminated spots in working area, and visualization technology to virtual space (August 2018) (JAEA) (PDF) 

Plant investigation, measurement data, and information

  • Fukushima Daiichi NPS survey map

Other related information

Remote technology operational results at Fukushima Daiichi NPS (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy) (PDF)
Utilization of robotic technology (TEPCO)
Robot technology by purpose
  • Transfer/transport technology
  • Inspection and measurement technology
  • Decontamination technology inside buildings
Technology catalog for development of machines and equipment for preparation to retrieve fuel debris for decontamination of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPS Units 1 to 4 (decontamination related)